Quantum Mechanics Cannot Explain Electricity Transmission
The Schrödinger equation is a fundamental equation of quantum physics that describes the quantum state change of a physical system over time, replacing Newton's laws and transforming Galileo in classical mechanics.
This equation has been generalized into an axiom of quantum mechanics, meaning that it is considered to be true for all cases that cannot be proved by theory but can only be verified experimentally. The Schrödinger equation has given many predictions that are true to reality and tested to be true for countless different cases. But, with Schrodinger Model in particular and quantum mechanics in general, it will not be possible to explain the transmission of electricity on wires.
Schrodinger model shows that Electron is both a wave and a particle over time, with a wave probability of X, the probability of the particle will be (1 - X) in time T.
The question naturally arises: when the Electron is a wave, then what is spreading on the wire? And when the wave becomes an electron, what happens?
Logic inference during a period of conductivity:
Looking at a time T large enough, we will see that both the theory of conductivity on the conductor existed in the time T, with T = T1 + T2.
Because the transmission rate is constant, the transmission rates during T1 and T2 must be the same. This also means that the speed of propagation of the wave must be the same as that of the electric field. But in order to have the speed of wave transmission, there must be frequency of oscillation.
The formula: f = V / λ, where f is frequency, V is velocity, λ is wavelength, it requires frequency source.
But note: The conductivity on the wire is decided by the Electron. The electron has no frequency at all when pure DC power is supplied.
Many people explain that the speed of transmission is due to the frequency of the AC source, but they cannot explain it with pure DC power, or assume that the wavelength must be very large to ensure that the transmission speed is approximately equal to at the speed of light.
Note that:
Suppose there is a conductive segment of AB, an M point between A and B, and a current going from A to B in time T.
Follow the Schrodinger model, and assume that on the AM Electron segment is the wave on the AP segment, and is the particle on the PM segment
On the MB segment, suppose that Electron is a wave on the MK segment, and is a particle on the KB segment
See the picture below:
The wave must have a conducting medium, and it must pass through the PM segment. If there is another energy that turns the wave into a particle, where does that energy come from? And why, when it came to point M, did that energy disappear?
If there is an energy supply, then who is it? In an isolated system, this is against the law of conservation of energy!
Remember: waves must have conduction medium and follow wave equations. Waves do not disappear on their own, which is a property of waves.
Paradox 2:
The magnetic field around the conductor when an electric current is passed through the AB segment follows the rule of the right hand in the figure below:
So why is the magnetic field on the AP and PM strings the same?
The magnetic field around the conductor is the same in every position, which indicates that there is only one electrical state that passes through the AB conductor. But according to the Schrodinger model, there are many states. Nonsense.
Temporarily I present two paradoxes when using Schrodinger model for power transmission on the wire. To accurately understand power transmission, we need to review documents of C.P Steinmetz and Nikola Tesla. Specifically, to understand the electrical transmission on the conductor, we need to understand the dielectric in the Ether and the tension of the dielectric in the Ether. Documents for C.P Steinmetz's power transmission: DIELECTRICITY & CAPACITANCE by Eric P. Dollard
C.P Steinmetz wrote the theory and equations for today's AC transmission. Tesla relied on the shoulder of giant C.P Steinmetz to invent the AC generator today. There is a special thing that, in the theory of C.P Steinmetz, no Electron exists in the transmission of electricity. Two geniuses, C.P Steinmetz, Nikola Tesla, never said that Electrons existed.
Learn about Electron and dielectric:
This equation has been generalized into an axiom of quantum mechanics, meaning that it is considered to be true for all cases that cannot be proved by theory but can only be verified experimentally. The Schrödinger equation has given many predictions that are true to reality and tested to be true for countless different cases. But, with Schrodinger Model in particular and quantum mechanics in general, it will not be possible to explain the transmission of electricity on wires.
Schrodinger model for conductive process
Schrodinger model for Electron includes:- Schrodinger's cat
- Schrodinger equation
- "Standing wave" of Electron in atom
Schrodinger model shows that Electron is both a wave and a particle over time, with a wave probability of X, the probability of the particle will be (1 - X) in time T.
The question naturally arises: when the Electron is a wave, then what is spreading on the wire? And when the wave becomes an electron, what happens?
Logic inference during a period of conductivity:
- When the Electron is a wave, the whole theory of conductivity by the Electron particle must collapse, within T1 time.
- When the Electron is a particle, the whole theory of conductivity is based on the recognition that the Electron is a wave that must collapse, within the period of T2.
Looking at a time T large enough, we will see that both the theory of conductivity on the conductor existed in the time T, with T = T1 + T2.
Because the transmission rate is constant, the transmission rates during T1 and T2 must be the same. This also means that the speed of propagation of the wave must be the same as that of the electric field. But in order to have the speed of wave transmission, there must be frequency of oscillation.
The formula: f = V / λ, where f is frequency, V is velocity, λ is wavelength, it requires frequency source.
But note: The conductivity on the wire is decided by the Electron. The electron has no frequency at all when pure DC power is supplied.
Many people explain that the speed of transmission is due to the frequency of the AC source, but they cannot explain it with pure DC power, or assume that the wavelength must be very large to ensure that the transmission speed is approximately equal to at the speed of light.
Note that:
- V = f.λ
- Louis de Broglie proposed that all particles could be treated as matter waves with a wavelength λ, given by the following equation:
The paradox of the Schrodinger model when explaining power transmission on wires
Paradox 1:Suppose there is a conductive segment of AB, an M point between A and B, and a current going from A to B in time T.
Follow the Schrodinger model, and assume that on the AM Electron segment is the wave on the AP segment, and is the particle on the PM segment
On the MB segment, suppose that Electron is a wave on the MK segment, and is a particle on the KB segment
See the picture below:
The wave must have a conducting medium, and it must pass through the PM segment. If there is another energy that turns the wave into a particle, where does that energy come from? And why, when it came to point M, did that energy disappear?
If there is an energy supply, then who is it? In an isolated system, this is against the law of conservation of energy!
Remember: waves must have conduction medium and follow wave equations. Waves do not disappear on their own, which is a property of waves.
Paradox 2:
The magnetic field around the conductor when an electric current is passed through the AB segment follows the rule of the right hand in the figure below:
So why is the magnetic field on the AP and PM strings the same?
The magnetic field around the conductor is the same in every position, which indicates that there is only one electrical state that passes through the AB conductor. But according to the Schrodinger model, there are many states. Nonsense.
Temporarily I present two paradoxes when using Schrodinger model for power transmission on the wire. To accurately understand power transmission, we need to review documents of C.P Steinmetz and Nikola Tesla. Specifically, to understand the electrical transmission on the conductor, we need to understand the dielectric in the Ether and the tension of the dielectric in the Ether. Documents for C.P Steinmetz's power transmission: DIELECTRICITY & CAPACITANCE by Eric P. Dollard
C.P Steinmetz wrote the theory and equations for today's AC transmission. Tesla relied on the shoulder of giant C.P Steinmetz to invent the AC generator today. There is a special thing that, in the theory of C.P Steinmetz, no Electron exists in the transmission of electricity. Two geniuses, C.P Steinmetz, Nikola Tesla, never said that Electrons existed.
Learn about Electron and dielectric:
- The simplest experiment to see that Electron doesn't exist
- Is the nature of dielectricity a conspiracy or human ignorance
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Quantum Mechanics Cannot Explain Electricity Transmission
Reviewed by Re-programming Life
11:10 AM
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